روضۂ اطہر ، ناکام سازشیں Conspiracies and attempts at Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Masjid

رسول الله ،نبی آخر زمان حضرت محمد (ص) کے خلاف یہود و نصاریٰ اور کفار و مشرکین ہمیشہ سے سازشیں کرتے رہے ہیں، اور الله اپنے بندوں کے سے ان کو ناکام کرتا رہا ہے-

History records many attempts by enemies of Islam against the resting abode of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions at Masjid Nabwi Madinah. All those attempts were thwarted by the slaves of Allah, with His blessings. Presently the pictures of an Israeli Jew are viral at media. Muslims have to keep the history in view.

آج کل ایک اسرائیلی یہودی کی روضہ اطہر پر تصاویر میڈیا پر نظر آ رہی ہیں- مدینہ سے یہودیوں کو ان کی سازشوں کی وجہ سے نکالا گیا تھا- حرمین شریفین (مکه و مدینہ ) غیر مسلمانوں کے لیے ممنوع شہر ہیں- آج کل کے تبدیل شدہ حالات کے تناظر میں دیکھنا ہے کہ کیا پرانا سازشوں کا دور پھر واپس آ رہا ہے ؟

تاریخ میں آپ (ص) کے روضہ مبارک کے خلاف کئی مرتبہ مذموم کوششیں کی گیئں . ان کی مختصر تفصیل پیش خدمت ہے-

[embeddoc url=”http://salaamone.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/روضہ-اطہر2.pdf” viewer=”google”]

It was the Christians of Andalusia who tried to dig up the grave of the Prophet  and remove his body; this happened in 557 A.H. This is what the author of The History of the Features of Madeenah stated and he reported this from many historians.

The person who thwarted this evil plot was the martyr Sultan Noor-Ad-Deen Mahmood Zinki, the Egyptian Mamlook (Mameluke), who saw in his dream that the Prophet  told him: “Rescue me from these two men”, while pointing to two blond men.

Therefore, the Sultan immediately headed to Madeenah as he expected that some trouble was brewing there. He looked for the two men until he found and arrested them. They informed him that they were sent by the Christians of Andalusia, and they were disguised as Moroccan pilgrims. They stayed next to the grave of the Prophet  and started digging secretly until they had nearly reached his grave. Therefore, the Sultan executed them. Then, he dug a very deep hole around the grave of the Prophet  and filled it with melted lead so that nobody would attempt to dig his grave again.

The author of The History of the Features of Madeenah also stated an attempt to move the body of the Prophet  and the bodies of his two Companions [Abu Bakr and ‘Umar]  to Egypt. This time it was Al-‘Ubaydi the Egyptian ruler who attempted this, with the help and supervision of the governor of Madeenah at that time, but Allaah The Almighty protected His Prophet  and his two Companions  from this conspiracy.

Source: http://www.islamweb.net/emainpage/index.php?page=showfatwa&Option=FatwaId&Id=92625

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روضہ اطہر ناپاک سازشیں : https://goo.gl/FuMkyf

مسجد نبوی میں ایک اسرائیلی یہودی  

Israeli Jew’s Instagram account suspended after Muslims protest photo at Masjid-i-Nabawi