Category: Bible

The born sinners!

The sin committed by Adam  of disobeying the command of God, passes on to all human making them sinner by birth. So; “For as by one man’s disobedience many …

Divine Revelation

The Angels, the Scriptures and the Messengers: Belief in the angels, the Books and the prophets is one of the pre-requisites of faith, without which no one will be considered …

The Creation

Man has always been inquisitive about the origin and creation of universe to which earth is just a small part. The whole cosmic system of matter and energy is …

Bible Doubtful Authenticity

Inconsistencies, Violence and Obscenities in Bible: Despite all the revisions, the Bible is still full of contradictions, violence, obscenities and interpolations; many volumes are required to explain them; only …

The Bible

The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) is the scripture of Judaism; the Bible (Old and New Testaments together) is the scripture of Christianity. Word ‘Bible’, is derived from Greek biblos …
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