Category: Christianity

Do Muslims hate Christians?

The perception that the “Muslims hate Christians”; is one of many fallacies created over centuries of propaganda by the hostile Christian clergy, because they consider Islam as an ideological …

Searching for answers

For many Jews the idea that Israel is a country hugely criticised by the world community for its human rights atrocities remains an uncomfortable reality and they acknowledge the …

Islamophobia- 150 FAQs Islamophobia has become a topic of increasing sociological and political importance. Islamophobia is irrational fear of or prejudice against Islam, rather than simple criticism,  prejudice against, or hatred or fear of Islam …


Religion may be defined as a cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, world views, texts, sanctified places, prophesies, ethics, or organizations, that relate humanity to the supernatural, transcendental, …

Islam and the West

Islam has a special place for the Juedo-Christian civilisations, due to common ancestor –Abraham and many shared beliefs of monotheism. Find out more through peep in to the history …
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