Tag: Zionism
People have been asking if Donald Trump is Jewish for a number of reasons. Among them is the US president’s strong pro-Israel stance since, especially compared to his predecessor Barack …
Problem with video? Click here <<<>>> Jerusalem is considered one of the most ancient cities in the world. It was demolished and reconstructed more than eighteen times throughout …
رسول الله ،نبی آخر زمان حضرت محمد (ص) کے خلاف یہود و نصاریٰ اور کفار و مشرکین ہمیشہ سے سازشیں کرتے رہے ہیں، اور الله اپنے بندوں کے سے …
Ben Tzion, 31, visited mosques in Iran, Lebanon, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and shared photographs and videos of his visits on his social media account, the daily reported. A photograph …
After 911 it has become trendy to criticise Muslim and Islam for all the wrongs in the world, in fact Communism foe has been replaced by Islam. Though Many misconceptions exist …
As a respectable citizen of Pakistan, Christians have complete freedom to practice their religion and right to defend the Holy Bible, the scripture they believe in. The Muslims also …
Bin Laden was killed by USA, but in revenge Taliban killed 80 innocent Muslims in Pakistan on 14 May 2011 through suicide bomber attacks, who had nothing to do with killing of Bin Laden. This is …
Muslims should themselves cleanse their societies of such contaminations, without any foreign help as its their own problem. They should reject foreign interference in their affairs on the pretext …
WebpageTranslator States or Groups/Individuals on any pretext] Other realms are perceived as a threat to western culture, paving the way for a clash of values; writes Al Kabalan, Special to Gulf …
WebpageTranslator Bin Laden’s Legacy: Options for Muslims: بن لادن وراثي : خيارات … : Bin Laden and the US leadership had one thing common; the misguided belief that; ‘End justifies the means’. But …