Category: Interfaith
Islamophobia – Antidote-1 CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM Fallacious Comparison Unveiled-1 Trinity and Monotheism Christianity, Judaism and Islam are great Abrahamic religions, While there are many differences, there are also many …
Predestination is the most misconstrue doctrine of theology, the misunderstanding has been catastrophic for the people and even nations. Christianity and Islam have their own doctrines. Some people exploit the supreme power …
Hundreds of Buddhist monks rally in Colombo against anti-Muslim riots as calm begins to return to violence-hit areas. Hundreds of Buddhist monks and activists have rallied in Sri Lanka‘s capital …
Much of the Islamic world is resource rich, has been under Western domination for most of its modern history, and is struggling to come to terms with a seemingly …
Europe owes it awakening form the dark ages to the Renaissance and Enlightenment by the transfer of knowledge including lost Greek heritage through the Muslim scholars and centers of …
امریکہ اسرائیل کی مکمل حمایت کرتا ہے اس نے امریکی سفارتخانہ کو یروشلم منتقل کیا جو آزاد فلسطین کا دارالحکومت ہو گا ، تو دنیا حیران ہے کہ امریکہ …
Bible verses related to War and violence.. کیا ‘ بائبل” امن کی تعلیم دیتی ہے یا جنگ اور قتل و غارت کی؟ بائبل میں آیات جنگ اور امن ہیں – موسیٰ …
In January of 1997, an Israeli soldier opened fire on Arab civilians in the city of Hebron in occupied Palestine, killing some and wounding others. His motive was …
It is a common belief among American fundamentalist Christians, that the covenant by which God gave the land of Palestine to the Jews was an unconditional covenant. If true, …
US President Mr.Donald Trump has announced to shift US embassy to Jerusalem, supporting illegal occupation, against spirit of UN resolutions and world opinion. Palestine is the most complex geopolitical …