Category: Islamophobia
Criticism of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has existed since the 7th century, when he was decried by polytheists, idolaters Arabs for preaching monotheism, and by the Jewish tribes of Arabia. …
موجودہ دور میں پوری دنیا میں مسلمانوں پر ظلم ہورہا ہے اور یہ ظلم کرنے والے غیر مسلم اور مسلمان بھی ہیں، بلاشبہ یہ سوال آج کل تقریباً ہر دین …
Islamophobia – Antidote COMPARE CHRISTIANITY TO ISLAM Fallacious Comparison Unveiled Introduction: Christianity, Judaism and Islam are great Abrahamic religions, While there are many differences, there are also many commonalities, …
Textual criticism of Bible is the field of study that attempts to discover what the original version of the Bible. This is especially important for Christians who believe that …
Islamophobia – Antidote-1 CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM Fallacious Comparison Unveiled-1 Trinity and Monotheism Christianity, Judaism and Islam are great Abrahamic religions, While there are many differences, there are also many …
Hundreds of Buddhist monks rally in Colombo against anti-Muslim riots as calm begins to return to violence-hit areas. Hundreds of Buddhist monks and activists have rallied in Sri Lanka‘s capital …
دنیا بحران میں ہے، بڑے پیمانے پر جنگ و جدل، دہشت گردی، قتل و غارت ، نسل کشی، نسلی تشدد جاری ہے تاکہ مسلمانوں کے علاقوں پراوران کے قدرتی …
A survivor of the war in Bosnia has spoken of the horrors she experienced during Ratko Mladic’s genocide in the country. Vernesa Subasic was speaking hours before the former general …
The think tank that catapulted the term Islamophobia in 1997 says anti-Muslim racism is on the rise and more pervasive. Anti-Muslim hatred has become more pervasive and entrenched in …
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوُل اللّهِ The world is in turmoil; mass killing, genocide, ethnic cleansing, occupation of Muslim lands for natural resources, …