Category: Jesus
There are an estimated five million Muslims in France today, which is the largest such population in Western Europe. What challenges have generations of Muslim immigrants in France been facing …
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The idea of publishing the work here presented did not suggest itself until a large portion of the material it contains had been accumulated for the private use and …
The universe, estimated to be about 13.7 billion years old, is constantly expanding. The galaxies are racing away from one another due to some very strange forces that we …
In a civilised and mature society, the complexities of social and spiritual problems and mysteries of the universe can be understood through philosophy. History shows that in the early …
But what sets the modern barbarians apart is their simple minded intention to essentially dismantle government with nothing but a vague and vengeful minimalism in mind as a replacement. …
Excepts from “Maarif ul Quran”, Quran Translation and Commentary by Maulana Mufti Mohammad Shafi, Translation by Prof. Muhammad Hasan Askari & Prof. Muhammad Shamim, Revised by Justice Mufti Muhammad …
A matchless specimen of comprehensiveness and brevity of the message of Qur’an, a whole world of meaning has been compressed into three short sentences in Surah 103, in few brief words, which is …
Islamic formula for the challenges of life: Please visit:
After successfully establishing the Islamic state at Medina Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) invited the rulers and people of neighbouring areas, to Islam including Eastern Roman Emperor Heraclius (610-641 C.E). …