Category: Knowledge

Introduction: SalaamOne

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوُل اللّهِ   The world is in turmoil; mass killing, genocide, ethnic cleansing, occupation of Muslim lands for natural resources, …


SalaamOne, سلام is a nonprofit e-Forum to promote peace among humanity, through understanding and tolerance of religions, cultures & other human values, here are some FAQs with answers: علم اور …

Aftab Khan

Brigadier (Retired)  Aftab Ahmad Khan : A freelance writer, researcher, and blogger, holds Masters in Political Science, Business Admin, Strategic Studies, spent over two decades in exploration of The …

Destiny, Predestination, Reward

Difference between Destiny& Predestination: I shall try to explain the difference between ‘Destiny’ and ‘Predestination’ by an example though only ‘Allah can give the best example’ (Qur’an;16:60). In this …

Faith in One God

There are three main aspects of faith in God (Allah in Arabic): God (Allah)  is the Cherisher and the creator of the Universe and all that it holds. God …

Heaven and Hell

These examples illustrate the comparison between heaven and hell. The way to hell is full of pleasures enjoyed by the human heart: temptations such as seductive beauty, sensuous pleasure …
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