Category: Terrorism
Muslims should themselves cleanse their societies of such contaminations, without any foreign help as its their own problem. They should reject foreign interference in their affairs on the pretext …
WebpageTranslator States or Groups/Individuals on any pretext] Other realms are perceived as a threat to western culture, paving the way for a clash of values; writes Al Kabalan, Special to Gulf …
WebpageTranslator Bin Laden’s Legacy: Options for Muslims: بن لادن وراثي : خيارات … : Bin Laden and the US leadership had one thing common; the misguided belief that; ‘End justifies the means’. But …
Osama bin Laden, his Al Qaeda and Taliban in Pakistan while opposing USA and allies, have also killed thousand of innocent Muslims. Killing of any innocent human being Muslim …
I founded the multi-faith Cordoba Initiative to fight the misunderstandings that broaden the divide between Islam and the West — each perceived as harmful by the other. Millions of …
The common misconception that; “The Muslims are commanded by Qur’an to be hostile with the non Muslims”, is far from truth. On the contrary Qur’an urges the Muslims to …
Muslim Heritage: After Rome Holy War and Conquest In this two-part series, Boris Johnson, travels to France, Spain, Egypt, Israel, Syria and Turkey to investigate the early beginnings of what some …
The antagonists in a mortal combat absorb part of the personality of the adversary through a process that can best be described as `psycho-osmosis`. Having gone through this process, …
Current issues and events shaping Muslim/Arab World
Open Letter to Muammar al-Gaddafi رسالة مفتوحة إلى الزعيم الليبي معمر القذافي Gaddafi, Libya’s falling tyrant, the pseudo Revolutionary now killing people القذافي ، طاغية ليبيا انخفاض ، كما …