Category: Thoughts
Newton did not believe in the concept of the Trinity. An enlightened side to one of the greatest minds that western civilisation has known. His deep study of science …
A secret US program to control the weather and target selected areas through use of Electromagnetic Waves, could be one of reasons of recent unprecedented floods in Pakistan, why? …
Muslims are confused by divergent opinions of Scholars about observance Hijab, while all agree on women to be dressed up modestly, some opine that even face is to be …
Find out for yourself in this video >>>>>>>>
The Babri Mosque verdict poses some exceptionally interesting legal propositions, which might interest to the people of Lahore, as they surely would the people of Ayodhia. Let us stick …
The threshold of perceptions about us keeps getting lower. A US State Department report declares Pakistan the fifth most unstable country in the world. Is it any consolation that …
Fed up with loadshedding, bombs, and TV cynicism pervading Pakistan, I recently escaped to Dubai for a holiday. Big mistake. Huge. Ten days later I returned, gasping for Karachi’s …
In his latest book , John Esposito turns his attention to the future of Islam itself; the nature of Islamic reformist theologies and movements and the ensuing struggle to …
The book is not meant for scholars and jurists; it is for non Muslims and those Muslims who want to properly understand their faith, The Islam as preached and …