The Creation

Man has always been inquisitive about the origin and creation of universe to which earth is just a small part. The whole cosmic system of matter and energy is called universe. Its main constituents are the galaxies, within which are stars and stellar groupings and nebulae. Earth’s Sun is one star among the billions of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. All atoms, subatomic particles, and everything they compose are also part of the universe. The universe is governed by four fundamental forces: the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force, and gravitation. The term creation refers to the beginning of things, whether by the will and act of a transcendent being, by emanation from some ultimate source, or in any other way. The fact remains that even with advancement in science and technology the scientists have not yet been able to resolve the mystery of Creation. Scientists have however proposed a number of theories about the origin and structure of the universe, the most prominent theories are; the ‘Big Bang’, ‘Expanding Universe’ and ‘Steady-State Theory’. While even the expanse of universe still remains a mystery, the thinkers and theologians have also evolved their own concepts and doctrine of creation of universe based on their imagination, knowledge and superstition. This resulted in evolution of many myths in different cultures but, their theories still remain speculative. While most of Creation myths do not stand the scientific test, however the Revelations given to messengers of God, specially mentioned in Qur’an, the last scripture, stand up to the known scientific hypothesis of creation. Doctrines of creation are philosophical and theological elaborations of the primal traditional narratives of creation (myths) within a religious community. The term myth here refers to the imaginative expression in narrative form of what is experienced or apprehended as basic reality. The story of creation is the symbolic narrative of the beginning of the world as understood by a particular community. The later doctrines of creation are interpretations of this myth in light of the subsequent history and needs of the community. Thus, for example, all theology and thought concerning creation in the Abrahamic rooted faiths are based on the Revealed narrative of creation in the biblical book of Genesis and the last book of guidance, the Qur’an. [Read as Google doc at new tab]