As a respectable citizen of Pakistan, Christians have complete freedom to practice their religion and right to defend the Holy Bible, the scripture they believe in. The Muslims also believe in the Injeel [Gospel], reveled to Prophet Jesus Christ [pbuh], Torah to Moses [pbuh], Psalm to David [pbuh] and revelations to other prophets. Since these books are claimed to be part of Bible, hence Muslims are obliged to respect it, even if they have reservations or different opinions like many Christians. More over being the holy scripture of Christians [addressed as ‘people of the book’ by Qur’an] Bible is to be revered. [This post is with reference to views of a Pakistani Christians:]
An ardent student of Bible and Qur’an may like to look at Revised Standard Version, 1972 and New Testament New International Version 1999. The ‘Preface’, of Revised Standard Version Bible [Published By WM. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd, For The British & Foreign Bible Society, Printed in Great Britain , S53P-100M-1972(14) – ISBN 0564 001015] is worth reading. This is the work undertaken by the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA (usually identified as National Council of Churches or NCC), an ecumenical partnership of 37 Christian faith groups in the United States. Its member denominations, churches, conventions, and archdioceses include Mainline Protestant, Orthodox, African-American, Evangelical, and historic Peace churches.
As far as Qur’an is concerned, all Muslims unanimously agree to its authenticity as true word of Allah, received by Prophet Muhammad [pbuh] through angel Gabriel, 1400 years ago. It was preserved immediately by memorization and also written down on pieces. [see ,] Qur’an has been memorized and recited five times a day in prayers ever since it started to be revealed, the practice continues for ever. Memorization is the primary mean of its preservation, however it was put in the form of book in between two covers just with in 19 years [Not 300 years as mentioned by you] after death of Prophet [pbuh] in 651 C.E , a copy each still available in Istanbul and Tashkent [see report By Ian Mac William
BBC News, in Tashkent, ].
One may indulge in intellectual discussion or dialogue at a forum, but its batter to avoid public criticism keeping in view the sentiments of majority and prevalent wave of intolerance among society.
“Treat the other man’s faith gently; it is all he has to believe with. His mind was created for his own thoughts, not yours or mine”: [Henry S. Haskins]
In reaction to the foolish acts of one man in USA, who desecrated copies of Qur’an accusing it to be source of violence [forgetting the passages of Bible urging violence and obscenity] if some one in Pakistan tries to reciprocate it may not be appropriate and moderate behavior. Hence it is appropriate to avoid extremist views and adhere to the path of tolerance and benevolence:
- “.. Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyselfs..”(Matthew 22:39-40, similarly Leviticus 19:18)
- “ good to your parents, kinfolks, orphans, the helpless, near and far neighbors who keep company with you..” [Qur’an;4:36].
- “You like for the people what you like for yourself, and you dislike for them what you dislike for yourself.”[Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)Al-Tirmidhi Hadith,11, 1334]
- “All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them. for this is the law and the prophets.[Matthew7:12similarly see Luke6:31]
Read More:
The Bible: A Short History: ,
Violence inn Bible:
What the Bible Really Says About Sex:
The Most Violent Prophet in History “