Category: Conflict
رسول الله ،نبی آخر زمان حضرت محمد (ص) کے خلاف یہود و نصاریٰ اور کفار و مشرکین ہمیشہ سے سازشیں کرتے رہے ہیں، اور الله اپنے بندوں کے سے …
Ben Tzion, 31, visited mosques in Iran, Lebanon, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and shared photographs and videos of his visits on his social media account, the daily reported. A photograph …
President Donald Trump has increased the number of U.S. troops and civilians working for the Department of Defense in the Middle East to 54,180 from 40,517 in the past four …
There are many disturbing signs that the West is creating conditions in the Middle East and Asia that could produce a wider war, most likely a new Cold War, …
The world is in turmoil; mass killing, genocide, ethnic cleansing, occupation of lands for natural resources, oppression, expulsions, deprivation and exploitation of innocent, people by power hungry corrupt despotic rulers, …
Those who call themselves Muslims while simultaneously disowning political aspects of Islam are in a strange dilemma: they do not want to leave the fold of Islam and they …
Missionaries to Muslims Agree to Soften Criticisms of Each Other: Ten years after 9/11, the heated debate over contextualization is about to get more civil. By Warren Larson Evangelists and …
Throughout the history of religion, the question that arose from time to time was whether religion should evolve according to social, political and economic needs of society or should …
Religious scriptures are the most revered pieces of writing. They have been recited millions upon millions of times and raging debates have been carried out to determine the one …
Christian Zionists believe that in order to fulfill Biblical prophecy, Israel must conquer most of the Middle East. They are a growing force in American politics with ties to …