Category: Human Rights
It is customary to divide Allama lqbal’s career into three phases. The first phase, which ended in 1905, was a period when the young poet strove to teach the …
Every once in a while, I feel despair over the plight of the country — we are hurtling toward catastrophe but nobody wants to do anything to avert it. …
“Talibanisation of Pakistan: From 9/11 to 26/11” is actually a story of Pakistan’s “non-state actors” inducted into state-organised jehad that predated the process of Talibanisation under the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan. …
The Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) completed 40 years of its existence . It was set up in Rabat, Morocco on September 25, 1969, in reaction to an arson …
“SAY: “Who is it that provides you with sustenance out of heaven and earth, or who is it that has full power over hearing and sight? And who is …
“AND God invites unto the abode of peace , and guides him that wills onto a straight way. For those who persevere in doing good there is the ultimate …
The followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam have to learn to live as peaceful neighbors in this global village. Jesus said:” And the second (commandment) is like, namely this, Thou …
The sin committed by Adam of disobeying the command of God, passes on to all human making them sinner by birth. So; “For as by one man’s disobedience many …
Reward of Good Works Done by Non Believers: Many people ask, “Why is it that someone who doesn’t believe in God, but performs acts which help mankind, such as …
For Jews, Jerusalem is a living proof of their ancient grandeur, and the pivot of their national history. For Christians, it is the scene of their Savior’s agony and …