Category: International
Sheik Rachid Ghannouchi returned to Tunisia after 22 year’s exile, Granted warm Welcome-Islamophobes tense.For some outside the Arab world, the image had an uncomfortable resonance. Two weeks after the …
War on Terror: Negotiations with the Taliban as the Path to Peace Afghanistan: Negotiations with the Taliban as the Path to Peace written by: Dr. Hubertus Hoffmann, “Negotiations will be …
War of Terror: Non-fiction: No end in sight: In a critical examination of the ‘Genesis of the Iraq War,’ the author discusses the agenda of the Bush administration and …
Islamophobes have created myths about Islam which has nothing to do with it, far from reality. Jacopo della Quercia throws analytical light upon them.
For many Jews the idea that Israel is a country hugely criticised by the world community for its human rights atrocities remains an uncomfortable reality and they acknowledge the …
Brigadier (Retired) Aftab Ahmad Khan : A freelance writer, researcher, and blogger, holds Masters in Political Science, Business Admin, Strategic Studies, spent over two decades in exploration of The …
The word jihad has been repeatedly invoked by al-Qaeda and Taliban to mislead Muslims. Jihad in Qur’an is a noble concept and cannot be practiced without rigorous standards of …
God loves His creation, He has been selecting prophets among the ignorant people for their guidance. He enlightened the prophets with the light of His knowledge. Some are Noah, …
Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam behind the hugely controversial Ground Zero mosque and Mayor Bloomberg , were all smiles last night as they posed with lefty blogger Arianna Huffington, who …
Longman notes, “Rwanda is an overwhelmingly Christian Country, with just under 90 per cent of the population in a 1991 census claiming membership in a Catholic, Protestant, or Seventh-Day …