Category: Jesus
Muslim Heritage: After Rome Holy War and Conquest In this two-part series, Boris Johnson, travels to France, Spain, Egypt, Israel, Syria and Turkey to investigate the early beginnings of what some …
War of Terror: Non-fiction: No end in sight: In a critical examination of the ‘Genesis of the Iraq War,’ the author discusses the agenda of the Bush administration and …
The entire universe presents the signatures of God, The only Supreme creator.
Islamophobes have created myths about Islam which has nothing to do with it, far from reality. Jacopo della Quercia throws analytical light upon them.
The Bible says nothing of celebrating the birth of Christ, and does not even mentions the specific day of the year of the event. December 25 have been chosen …
The perception that the “Muslims hate Christians”; is one of many fallacies created over centuries of propaganda by the hostile Christian clergy, because they consider Islam as an ideological …
Prof Zaghloul Al-Najjar speaks to an audience regarding the scientific facts revealed in the Qur’an at Lecture Theatre, University Hospital of Wales Cardiff. 2nd Feb, 1999. Dr Zaghloul Mohammad Al …
Islam has a special place for the Juedo-Christian civilisations, due to common ancestor –Abraham and many shared beliefs of monotheism. Find out more through peep in to the history …
God loves His creation, He has been selecting prophets among the ignorant people for their guidance. He enlightened the prophets with the light of His knowledge. Some are Noah, …
Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam behind the hugely controversial Ground Zero mosque and Mayor Bloomberg , were all smiles last night as they posed with lefty blogger Arianna Huffington, who …