Category: Muslims

Quran قرآن

The Last Book – Quran – آخری کتاب – قرآن  Qur’an is the word of God, directly revealed to the last Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) during 23 …

The Last Prophet

The Last Prophet for Humanity محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم During end of 6th century after Prophet Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), was born …


Muslims, as a community are mostly illiterate and ignorant, once upon time, they excelled in all the fields of knowledge. Islam encourages thinking and to ponder upon signs of …

Jihad- Myth and Reality

“Therefore, do not yield to the unbelievers, and make Jihad (strive) against them with this (Qur’an), a mighty Jihad (Jihad Kabira).”(Qur’an;25:52). “Permission to fight back (Qital) is hereby granted …

Aftab Khan

Brigadier (Retired)  Aftab Ahmad Khan : A freelance writer, researcher, and blogger, holds Masters in Political Science, Business Admin, Strategic Studies, spent over two decades in exploration of The …
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