Category: Philosophy
One of the major arguments proposed against the existence of God in contemporary western philosophy is the problem of evil. It is based upon the inability to reconcile the magnitude …
Predestination is the most misconstrue doctrine of theology, the misunderstanding has been catastrophic for the people and even nations. Christianity and Islam have their own doctrines. Some people exploit the supreme power …
Stephen Hawking, one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists in history, wrote the modern classic A Brief History of Time to help nonscientists understand the questions being asked by scientists today: …
Modernism supported the belief that there is a purpose for life and that it should be viewed objectively…… جدید انسان صرف وہ ہے جو حسی، تجربی، اختیاری سائنسی ذریعۂ …
After over six decades of gaining independence, some people still raise the fundamental question: Why was Pakistan created? Two-Nation Theory: دو قومی نظریہ پاکستان Believers as One People – Disbelievers, …
علم اور افہام و تفہیم کے لئے ایک غیر منافع بخش ای فورم ہے، جو علم کے زریعہ انسانیت کو امن کے قریب لانے کی ایک کوشش ہے …
پوسٹ ماڈرن ازم کا چیلنج اور میڈیا Postmodernism and Media کے موضوع پر ہونے والی کانفرنس میں ملک کی مختلف جامعات کے طلبہ، اساتذہ اور محققین شریک تھے۔ ملک کے …
Powered by Dailymotion Today I read a scholar who is more misread and misunderstood than perhaps any major modern Muslim thinker. He is known mostly for some lectures and …
People always thought as to who created the universe. Some religions did provide answers mostly spiritual and mythological. The recent advancement in scientific knowledge lead to the Creator of … By Dean Obeidallah, Special to CNN CNN Editor’s note: Dean Obeidallah is a comedian who has appeared on Comedy Central’s “Axis of Evil” special, ABC’s “The View,” CNN’s …