Category: Power Politics
In the post 9/11 scenario there has been mushroom growth of pseudo intellectuals and so called scholars to blame and criticize Islam, Qur’an the Holy Scripture and Prophet Muhammad …
Even in the most chaotic and violent moments of this new historical process, world opinion has not absolved Israel from its continued oppression of the Palestinians. Israel is seen …
Find out Islam and discover the close relationship between Islam Christianity and Judaism through e-books with insight to scriptures of the Divine Wisdom. A brief introduction to Free e-Books …
The threshold of perceptions about us keeps getting lower. A US State Department report declares Pakistan the fifth most unstable country in the world. Is it any consolation that …
There is a stunning precedent to Israel’s attack on the Freedom Flotilla which carried humanitarian aid for Gaza, which is under a three year-long blockade. In 1947, the ship Exodus …
Palestine is the most complex geopolitical and religious issue, confronted by the humanity, which if left unresolved will continue to be threat to the world peace. This historic flashpoint …
According to Bible, Genesis;1:26-30, God created man in ‘His own image’, with general dominion of human over creatures and resources on the earth, sea and air so as to …
The European legislation on the dress code is likely to be counterproductive as was the past legislation in the Muslim and non-Muslim world. The Fourth Council of the Lateran of …
Many people think that in modern era there is no room for a primitive concept like Caliphate , while others think that it is the only solution to the …
The civilized communities aspire to live in an environment of peace, justice, security and freedom to prosper. Hence people form geopolitical units, having sovereignty with in defined boundaries, commonly …