Category: Racism
Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam behind the hugely controversial Ground Zero mosque and Mayor Bloomberg , were all smiles last night as they posed with lefty blogger Arianna Huffington, who …
Longman notes, “Rwanda is an overwhelmingly Christian Country, with just under 90 per cent of the population in a 1991 census claiming membership in a Catholic, Protestant, or Seventh-Day …
Edward Said’s lecture on Samuel Huntington’s essay and book on the “Clash of Civilizations,” at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1996) worth watching:
An interesting talk, on the epidemic of Islamophobia, must watch this sixteen minutes video:
“For Christians one can no longer talk of the land promised to the Jewish people,” he told a press conference, because the “promise” was “abolished by the presence of …
A secret US program to control the weather and target selected areas through use of Electromagnetic Waves, could be one of reasons of recent unprecedented floods in Pakistan, why? …
Muslims are confused by divergent opinions of Scholars about observance Hijab, while all agree on women to be dressed up modestly, some opine that even face is to be …
The Babri Mosque verdict poses some exceptionally interesting legal propositions, which might interest to the people of Lahore, as they surely would the people of Ayodhia. Let us stick …
In the post 9/11 scenario there has been mushroom growth of pseudo intellectuals and so called scholars to blame and criticize Islam, Qur’an the Holy Scripture and Prophet Muhammad …
Even in the most chaotic and violent moments of this new historical process, world opinion has not absolved Israel from its continued oppression of the Palestinians. Israel is seen …