Category: Religion
WebpageTranslator States or Groups/Individuals on any pretext] Other realms are perceived as a threat to western culture, paving the way for a clash of values; writes Al Kabalan, Special to Gulf …
WebpageTranslator Bin Laden’s Legacy: Options for Muslims: بن لادن وراثي : خيارات … : Bin Laden and the US leadership had one thing common; the misguided belief that; ‘End justifies the means’. But …
Osama bin Laden, his Al Qaeda and Taliban in Pakistan while opposing USA and allies, have also killed thousand of innocent Muslims. Killing of any innocent human being Muslim …
Dr. Brown gives the top 10 reason why the Trinity is not and was not a teaching of any of the prophets not even Jesus himself taught the trinity and he …
Abraham is the common ancestor of three great faiths; Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The narratives of creation and life of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph to Moses …
I founded the multi-faith Cordoba Initiative to fight the misunderstandings that broaden the divide between Islam and the West — each perceived as harmful by the other. Millions of …
The common misconception that; “The Muslims are commanded by Qur’an to be hostile with the non Muslims”, is far from truth. On the contrary Qur’an urges the Muslims to …
WebpageTranslator How do we handle the many tests in life? In this special episode of The Deenshow is doing a Q&A session answering questions with Guest Dr. Waleed Basyouni …
The practice of sorcery or witchcraft is rejected by Islam. In the Qur’an verse 102 of Chapter Al-Baqara states: And they followed what the Shaitans chanted of sorcery in the reign of …
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