Do’s and Don’ts in Islam

What is not demanded by Islam!

  1. Islam does not demand form a Muslim to give up the world altogether.
  2. Islam does not expect Muslims (men and women) to be ignorant, lacking in knowledge of their faith and other branches of knowledge.
  3. Nor does it require one to make the mosque a permanent abode, never to leave it.
  4. Islam also does not insist that one should live in a cave or monastery and spend his whole life there —- NOT AT ALL.

What islam expects from the Muslims!

  1. To dwell in their best civilization and matchless culture in a manner that they surpass all the civilized nations of the world.
  2. They should be the most prosperous of all as far as the different branches of knowledge are concerned.
  3. Invite the humanity towards Islam, by conveying the message with wisdom, peacefully, in a logical and convincing way. They should argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious.
  4. Do not use coercion against non Muslims for conversion to Islam.
  5. The right of retaliation, granted against injustice or oppression is to be used with equity, forgiveness and patience is however preferable.
  6. Not to kill the innocent people of any faith (including own self-suicide) except by law, they don’t have to create mischief on earth by creating anarchy or disturbing the peace.
  7. Warfare against injustice and oppression and in self defense is permissible, to be declared by the Islamic State but the rules laid down for its conduct by Shari’a (Islamic Law) be strictly adhered to. Those who surrender or do not fight or remain neutral are not to be disturbed. The prisoners are to protected and provided peace and security.
  8. Fulfill all bilateral and international accords (like UN Charter) for peace and stability of humanity.
  9. To treat all members of society with equality fairness and justice.
  10. Non Muslims in the Islamic society enjoy complete protection and freedom to practice their faith.
  11. The places of worship of other religions are to be protected.
  12. Do not abuse or degrade the god/ gods of non Muslims.

QUESTION arises that, if this is what is Islam all bout? Then; what should it be called which is happening in the world at present in the name of Islam?

It’s a complex issue. Please PONDER and find your answers, the books and articles at the web sites/blogs mentioned here, may facilitate you in this endeavour.

Do’s and Don’ts in Islam: