
Dying while fighting for Islam is the ONLY way to guarantee a man’s entrance into Paradise. This belief creates fearless, enthusiastic warriors, especially given the Qur’an’s vivid descriptions of the sensuous delights of Paradise. A Muslim man has a chance of getting to Paradise if he is a good Muslim, but it is not guaranteed. However, if he dies while fighting for Islam, he is guaranteed to get in, and that’s the only thing he can do to guarantee it.


The Islamic Doctrine of Redemption, Salvation:

Muslims offer whole selves and possessions to Allah, and Allah gives them Salvation.

“Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the Garden (of Paradise): They Fight In His Cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him In truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur’an: and who is more faithful to His Covenant than Allah. then rejoice In the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme.”[Qur’an; 9:111]

This is the true doctrine of redemption: and we are taught that this is the doctrine not only of the Qur’an but of the earlier Revelations, the original Law of Moses and the original Gospel of Jesus Christ. Any other view of redemption is rejected by Islam, especially that which corrupted the teachings of Jesus Christ to create Christianity, which thinks that some other person suffered for our sins and we are redeemed by his blood. It is our self-surrender that counts, not other people’s merits. Our complete self-surrender may include fighting for the cause, both spiritual and physical. As regards actual fighting with the sword there has been some difference in theological theories at different times, but very little in the practice of those who framed those theories. The Jewish wars were ruthless wars of extermination. The Old Testament does not mince matters on this subject. In the New Testament St. Paul, in commending the worthy fruits of Faith, mentions Gideon, Barak, and other warriors of the Old Testament as his ideals, “Who through faith subdued kingdoms… waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens…” (Hebrews;11:32-34). The monkish morality of the Gospels in their present form has never been followed by any self-respecting Christian or other nation in history. Nor is it common-sense to ignore lust of blood in unregenerate man as a form of evil which has to be combated “within the limits, set by Allah”.

Fighting in the ‘Cause of Allah’ is prerequisite, fighting for the worldly gains, power and plunder under the guise of Jihad will not earn paradise by hell. [Jihad has been explained above, for details:]  [Allah knows the best]


You must read the Qur’an in Arabic. This unites believers by language, and language has a very powerful unifying influence. For added incentive to learn Arabic, another basic Islamic principle says you can’t go to Paradise unless you pray in Arabic.

So Muslims all over the world share a language. This makes it easier to coordinate far-reaching campaigns of protest, political pressure, and war.


Arabic, the language of initial recipients of Qur’an, it is a rich living language, spoken of large number of people in North Africa, Middle East. The Muslims not familiar with Arabic learn to at least recite Qur’an. Qur’an is an Arabic word which means: something (1) to be read, or (2) recited, or (3) proclaimed. It may apply to a verse, or a chapter [Sura], or to the whole Book of Revelation. The Qur’an is in Arabic; therefore the Arabs, among whom it was promulgated, could have no difficulty in understanding its precepts and using it in judging of right and wrong in all their affairs. Through Arabs this message was to be conveyed to the whole world.  Every one of God’s prophets was entrusted with a message “in his own people’s tongue, so that he might make [the truth] clear unto them” [Qu’an;14:4]. That the message of the Qur’an is universal, and not restricted to the Arabs alone, is brought out clearly in many places: “Say [O Prophet]: ‘O mankind! Verily, I am an apostle of God to all of you.”[Qur’an; 7:158]. Each of the earlier prophets was sent to his, and only his, community: thus, the Old Testament addresses itself only to the children of Israel, and even Jesus, whose message had a wider bearing, speaks of himself as “sent only unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew;15:24). In contrast, the message of the Qur’an is universal – that is, addressed to mankind as a whole – and is neither time-bound nor confined to any particular cultural environment. It is for this reason that Muhammad, through whom this message was revealed, is described in the Qur’an:21:107 as an evidence of “[God’s] grace towards all the worlds” (i.e. towards all mankind), and as “the Seal of all Prophets” [Qur’an; 33:40] – in other words, the last of them.

“We have sent it down As an Arabic Qur’an, In order that ye may learn wisdom.[Qur’an;12:2]

“Thus have we revealed it to be a Judgment of authority In Arabic. Wert Thou to follow their (vain) desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst Thou find neither Protector nor defender against Allah”[Qur’an; 13:37]

“Had we sent This As a Qur’an (in the language) other than Arabic, They would have said: “Why are not its verses explained In detail? What! (A Book) not In Arabic and (A Messenger) an Arab?” say: “It is a guide and a healing to those who believe; and for those who believe not, there is a deafness In their ears, and it is blindness In their (eyes): They are (as it were) being called from a place far distant!”[Qur’an; 41:44]

“The (Qur’an) is indeed the Message, for Thee and for Thy people; and soon shall ye (all) be brought to account.”[Qur’an; 43:44].

Muslims offer obligatory Salah [prayer] five times a day, in which Qur’an is recited in original Arabic, revealed 1400 years ago. Many Muslims which include children, young and old memorize Qur’an,  known as Hafiz. Preferably the prayer leader [Imam] in the mosque is Hafiz. During the month of Fasting [Ramadhan] in the evening congregation Qur’an is recited in Taraweeh Prayer by prayer leader, listened by the whole congregation. Thus Qur’an, Arabic,  Islam and Muslim are inseparable unit. It is correct to state that Muslims all over the world share a language. This further cements the Islamic brotherhood. [Allah knows the best]


Muslim must pray five times a day. This is one of the five “pillars” —that is, one of the five central practices — of Islam. Within an Islamic state, this practice is enforced by law. Every Muslim must pray five times a day. The practice helps Islam dominate a Muslim’s life, filling his daily rhythm with Islam.


Prayer –Salah A Pillar of Islam:

Prayer is converse with God; the interaction of the soul with God, not in contemplation or meditation, but in direct address to him. Prayer may be oral or mental, occasional or constant, ejaculatory or formal. Prayer presupposes a belief in the Supreme All Mighty Allah, his ability and willingness to hold communication with us, his personal control of all things and of all his creatures and all their actions. Acceptable prayer must be sincere, offered with reverence and godly fear, with a humble sense of our own insignificance as creatures and of our own unworthiness as sinners, with earnest importunity, and with unhesitating submission to the divine will. Prayer must also be offered in the faith that God is, and is the hearer and answerer of prayer, and that he will fulfill his word:

“Bring your Lord to remembrance deep in your soul with humility and in reverence without raising your voice, both in the mornings and in the evenings; and be not of those who are heedless. Surely those who are close to your Sustainer do not feel too proud to worship Him; they declare His glory and prostrate themselves before Him.”(Qur’an;7:205-206).

“When my servants question you about Me, tell them that I am very close to them. I answer the prayer of every suppliant when he calls Me; therefore, they should respond to Me and put their trust in Me, so that they may be rightly guided.”(Qur’an;2:186)

“And your Lord says: “Call on Me, I will answer your prayers. Surely those who are too arrogant to worship Me shall soon enter hell in humiliation.”(Qur’an;40:60).

Similarly in Bible:

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.”(Matthew;7:7-8)

Muslims are required to offer five times the daily prayers (salah) a form of worship of Allah. Prayer is the physical, spiritual and social form of worship in congregation. It is general misconception that the five prayers in a day are only practiced in the present day Islam which is the revived faith of Prophet Abraham [pbuh]. Prayers have been part of  those ‘Surrender to Will of God’ right from the beginning, Qur’an refers them at: 2:43, 14:37, 14:40, 11:87, 3:39, 19:31, 3:113. The Prayer of a Muslim is not complete without recitation of The Opening Chapter (Surah Fateha) of (Qur’an; 1:1-7). Some what like Surah Fateha prayer is mentioned at Exodus; 34:6-7, Mathew;6:9-13, also in Psalms; 7:1-17 and 8:1-9.

Offering the prayers (Salah) has been repeatedly mentioned in Bible:

“And Abram fell on his face:”(Genesis; 17:3-5)

“And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshiped”[Exodus;34:8].

“Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane, and said unto the disciples, Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder”.(Mathew;26:36, 26:39).

“Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour”.(Acts; 3:1)

Prayer also mentioned at Genesis; 18:22, 22:5, 26:25, 12:8, Exodus; 4:31, 5:3, 5:7, 5:8 & 34:8-9, Psalms;86:9,  95:5, 5:7, 55:16,  55:17, 95:6, 138:2, 1 Kings; 8:33, 34, Jeremiah;7:2, Daniel; 6:10,  9:3, Joshua;7:6, Mathew;14:23 & 17:21. Also at Acts:10:9, 12:12, 16:13, 16:25, 20:36, Luke; 22: 44-46, Mark; 1:35 & 9:29.

Prayer is frequently enjoined in previous scripture [Ex 22:23,27; 1Ki 3:5; 2Ch 7:14; Ps 37:4; Isa 55:6; Joe 2:32; Eze 36:37] and many testimonies that it has been answered [Ps 3:4; 4:1; 6:8; 18:6; 28:6; 30:2; 34:4; 118:5; Jas 5:16-18]

Ablution: Cleanliness, purity and ablution has always been obligatory for prayer for Muslims. Ablution before prayer is also mentioned in Bible:

“And Moses and Aaron and his sons washed their hands and their feet there at:”(Exodus;40:31).

“Then Paul took the men, and the next day purifying himself with them entered into the temple, to signify the accomplishment of the days of purification, until that an offering should be offered for every one of them”.(Acts;21:26).

Although Du’a is part of Slaha in itself, however normally prayer is followed by supplications [Du’a]. There are many Qur’anic Du’a and those offered by Prophet [pbuh]. A comprehensive Qur’anic Du’a:

“Our Lord! Give unto us in the world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and guard us from the doom of Fire.”(Qur’an;2:201).

Adam and Eve prayed for forgiveness:

“They said: “Our Lord! we have wronged Our own souls: if Thou forgive us not and bestow not upon us Thy Mercy, we shall certainly be lost.” .”(Qur’an;7:23).

The prayer [Salah] of Muslims includes following postures also mentioned in Bible:

1)     Standing (1Sa 1:26; 1Ki 8:14,55; 2Ch 20:9; Mr 11:25; Lu 18:11,13).

2)     Bowing and falling prostrate (Ge 24:26,52; Ex 4:31; 12:27; Mt 26:39; Mr 14:35)

3)     Kneeling in prayer (1Ki 8:54; 2Ch 6:13; Ps 95:6; Isa 45:23; Lu 22:41; Ac 7:60;9:40)

4)     Spreading out the hands (1Ki 8:22,38,54; Ps 28:2; 63:4; 88:9; 1Ti 2:8)[in Du’a]

The Christians do not follow any special form of prayer in general except the “Lord’s Prayer” (Mt 6:9-13), which is, however, rather a model or pattern of prayer than a set prayer to be offered up.

The supplications which apparently remain unfulfilled, are accepted by Allah, but due to His foreknowledge or Will not considered for time being here, are added in the record of good virtues for reward in hereafter. Prayer is like the dove that Noah sent forth, which blessed him not only when it returned with an olive-leaf in its mouth, but when it never returned at all. [Allah knows the best]

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A woman is in a thoroughly subordinate position

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