Bin Laden was killed by USA, but in revenge Taliban [Khawarij, Takfiri] killed 80 innocent Muslims in Pakistan on 14 May 2011 through suicide bomber attacks, who had nothing to do with killing of Bin Laden. This is not only against common sense but totally in violation of basic Islamic teachings and rejecting Qur’an; 4:93 & 5:32. They have already killed over 30,000 innocent Pakistanis.This is the legacy Bin Laden. US drones have killed more than 2000 people, only 1% terrorists, 99% innocent people, women and children. The terrorists and USA has common misplaced ideology; “Ends justify the means”. The sympathizers of USA & Bin Laden and Taliban are party to this heinous crime, such Khawarij have been rejected and addressed as ‘Dogs of Hell’ by Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him]. Its high time now, the people should identify and make efforts to cleanse the society of this evil for Peace. Silence is crime…..
- Create public awareness regarding Un-Islamic Khawarij, Takfiri doctrine followed by Al Qaeda and Pakistani Taliban, since many ignorant people under false propaganda consider them to be holy warriors [Mujahid] fighting US and NATO occupation forces. The real Mujahids should fight US and occupation forces in Afghanistan, like Afghani Taliban. Pakistani Taliban are creating anarchy [Fasad-fil-Ardh] by killing innocent people [men, women, children in mosques, churches, markets] because they consider all those not supporting their heretic doctrines to be Murtad/ Kafir [Apostate, non believer].
- Isolate the Taliban [Khawarij, Takfiri], convince their supporters of un Islamic nature of their doctrine and terrorist activities, if it does not work resort to social boycott of their sympathizers. [No one should violate law on this pretext that creates anarchy].
- Pressurizing the government by raising your voice through media, peaceful protests; to abandon one sided cooperation with USA, change the policy of complicity and appeasement, protect the life and property of its citizens from US [drone] attacks and by taking strict action to eliminate criminal Taliban [Khawarij, Takfiri] and their sympathizers creating mischief on land [Fasad-fil-Ardh].
“Whoever recommends and helps a good cause becomes a partner therein: and whoever recommends and helps an evil cause shares in its burden: and Allah has power over all things.”[Qur’an; 4:85]
“If a man kills a believer intentionally his recompense is Hell to abide therein (for ever): and the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon him and a dreadful penalty is prepared for him.” [Qur’an; 4:93]
“The punishment [by government through law] of those who wage war against Allah and His Apostle and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution or crucifixion of the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter. Except for those who repent before they fall into your power: in that case know that Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful.” [Qur’an; 5:33-34]
“.. God would never change the blessings with which He has graced a people unless they change their inner selves.. [Qur’an;8:53]
Related Links for References and further study:
Fatwa on Terrorism is a 600-page (Urdu version), 512-page (English version). Its an Islamic decree by influential scholar Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri which demonstrates from the Quran and Sunnah that terrorism and suicide bombings are so unjust and un Islamic … Click :
Edict [Fatwa] against Terrorism Urdu Full: Edict [Fatwa] against Terrorism English: Fitna-e-Khawarij Historic Review Urdu: Terrorism Rejected in Islam- Religious Edict [Fatwa]:
Bin Laden’s Legacy: Options for Muslims: Bin Laden and the US leadership had one thing common; the misguided belief that; ‘End justifies the means’. But if we want to preserve our humanity, it nerve does. The Muslims may respond to the present crisis in two ways; either to follow the clear, unambiguous teachings and guidance from Qur’an and Sunnah to be successful in this and next world by attaining peace with dignity and honour or blindly follow the path leading to destruction by adhering to the concocted irrational pseudo ideologies of extremists satisfying their ambitions and desires. Option A: is rational, Option B is Irrational, emotional response ….Read full …
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- http://FaithForum.Wordpress.Com
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