Tag: Faith
قرآن کی نظر میں تاریخ حصول علم و دانش اور انسانوں کے لیے غور و فکر کے دیگر ذرائع میں سے ایک ذریعہ ہے۔ قرآن نے انسانوں کو غور …
نمازیں ، روزے ، عبادات اور نیک کام بیکار ہیں اگر ایمان خالص نہیں- Prayers, fasting, worship and good deeds are useless if Faith is not pure. ایمان میں …
گناہ اور بخشش- ضابطہ الہٰی: اللہ انسانی کمزوریوں سے اگاہ ہے ، رحمان اور رحیم ہے ، لہٰذا اگر اہل ایمان ان کبیرہ گناہوں سے پاکدامن رہیں جن سے …
Valentine’s Day is a jaahili Roman festival, which continued to be celebrated until after the Romans became Christian. This festival became connected with the saint known as Valentine who …
This website does not ask if you are Christian or Muslim – it asks if you are True To Jesus. For two thousand years Christians have debated the message of Jesus Christ and …
After 911 it has become trendy to criticise Muslim and Islam for all the wrongs in the world, in fact Communism foe has been replaced by Islam. Though Many misconceptions exist …
Osama bin Laden, his Al Qaeda and Taliban in Pakistan while opposing USA and allies, have also killed thousand of innocent Muslims. Killing of any innocent human being Muslim …
Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam behind the hugely controversial Ground Zero mosque and Mayor Bloomberg , were all smiles last night as they posed with lefty blogger Arianna Huffington, who …
A secret US program to control the weather and target selected areas through use of Electromagnetic Waves, could be one of reasons of recent unprecedented floods in Pakistan, why? …