Category: Judaism
It is a common belief among American fundamentalist Christians, that the covenant by which God gave the land of Palestine to the Jews was an unconditional covenant. If true, …
US President Mr.Donald Trump has announced to shift US embassy to Jerusalem, supporting illegal occupation, against spirit of UN resolutions and world opinion. Palestine is the most complex geopolitical …
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been rebuffed in meetings in Brussels after urging European foreign ministers to follow the US’ lead in recognising Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. …
An expected announcement by President Donald Trump that the US will become the first country to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has been dubbed a “kiss of death” for …
US President Mr.Donald Trump has announced to shift US embassy to Jerusalem, supporting illegal occupation, against spirit of UN resolutions and world opinion. Palestine is the most complex geopolitical …
Problem with video? Click here <<<>>> Jerusalem is considered one of the most ancient cities in the world. It was demolished and reconstructed more than eighteen times throughout …
رسول الله ،نبی آخر زمان حضرت محمد (ص) کے خلاف یہود و نصاریٰ اور کفار و مشرکین ہمیشہ سے سازشیں کرتے رہے ہیں، اور الله اپنے بندوں کے سے …
Ben Tzion, 31, visited mosques in Iran, Lebanon, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and shared photographs and videos of his visits on his social media account, the daily reported. A photograph …
Five decades ago, the Roman Catholic Church famously acknowledged the unique relationship between Jews and Christians. In the wake of World War II, the Vatican officially rejected anti-Semitism and … By Dean Obeidallah, Special to CNN CNN Editor’s note: Dean Obeidallah is a comedian who has appeared on Comedy Central’s “Axis of Evil” special, ABC’s “The View,” CNN’s …