Tag: Jews
Download the Reserch Work of 10 Years on 1 PDF file: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B0Qfx8dX9TCvYjY5NTRmNzMtYTk4OS00ZDBmLThiMzctOWI5N2FlMjAxZDM0&hl=en http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=dgxfvv3_77c5cxzwdc&hl=en Or Visit 4 Weblinks/Blogs http://faithforum.wordpress.com http://endeavour-peace.page.tl http://groups.google.com.pk/group/FaithForum4Peace http://peace-forum.blogspot.com/p/books-articles-islam-christianity.html http://wp.me/pCgrB-lt
In his latest book , John Esposito turns his attention to the future of Islam itself; the nature of Islamic reformist theologies and movements and the ensuing struggle to …
REGENSBURG, Germany: Renegade British Catholic bishop Richard Williamson was fined 10,000 euros by a German court on Friday for Holocaust denial in a case that has deeply embarrassed the …
“The land of Palestine belongs to Jews, the right granted by God to Jews in Hebrew Bible, also supported by Koran. Hence Muslims by opposing the Israeli occupation of …
The book is not meant for scholars and jurists; it is for non Muslims and those Muslims who want to properly understand their faith, The Islam as preached and …
No one should speak of Muslim life under Jewish rule, especially in the land that was promised to the Jews and then denied; for such speech (or writing in …
The book is not meant for scholars and jurists; it is for non Muslims and those Muslims who want to properly understand their faith, The Islam as preached and practiced by …
Jesus said: “I and my Father are one”(John;10:30). Trinity is supported through verses: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and …
Why it is important to rationally believe in Just One God? The idea of a Supreme Power who is the First Cause of all things, the Creator and Ruler …
Qur’an abhors violence against innocent people: Allah says:“ it may well be that God will bring about affection between you and some of those whom you face as enemies: for, …