Tag: Koran

Faith and Reason

In a civilised and mature society, the complexities of social and spiritual problems and mysteries of the universe can be understood through philosophy. History shows that in the early …

Modern Barbarism

But what sets the modern barbarians apart is their simple minded intention to essentially dismantle government with nothing but a vague and vengeful minimalism in mind as a replacement. …

150 FAQs : Islam, Quran

After 911 it has become trendy to criticise Muslim and Islam for all the wrongs in the world, in fact Communism foe has been replaced by Islam. Though Many misconceptions exist …

Facing Trials of Life

WebpageTranslator  How do we handle the many tests in life? In this special episode of The Deenshow is doing a Q&A session answering questions with Guest Dr. Waleed Basyouni …

Islam & Philosophy

“and whoever is granted wisdom is indeed given a great wealth”(Qur’an;2:269) “Thus clearly do We spell out Our signs un to people who think” (Qur’an;10:24) “a Scripture that We …
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