Tag: USA
Two Theories if Ijthehad in Islam : The Islamic tradition has two conceptions of ijtihad. One is a very narrow, legalistic notion of it as a process of juristic reasoning employed to …
Translator This sermon was delivered on 632 C.E, 9th day of Dhul al Hijjah, 10 Hijrah. in the ‘Uranah valley of Mount Arafat near Makkah After praising, and thanking God, Prophet …
An open letter to new Egyptian ruler
Husni Mubarak has finally bowed to the will of people after 3 decades of oppression of his countrymen by stepping down. This is start of beginning of new era in Middle East, hope …
Read online or download: WebDoc, or PDF Islam revolutionized the primitive oppressive societies not only in the Middle East but all over the world. Islamic civilization lead the world for …
Sheik Rachid Ghannouchi returned to Tunisia after 22 year’s exile, Granted warm Welcome-Islamophobes tense.For some outside the Arab world, the image had an uncomfortable resonance. Two weeks after the …
War on Terror: Negotiations with the Taliban as the Path to Peace Afghanistan: Negotiations with the Taliban as the Path to Peace written by: Dr. Hubertus Hoffmann, “Negotiations will be …
In a 2002 Gallup poll conducted in ten Muslim nations, only 22 percent of the people questioned viewed the United States favorably. Why does the United States foster such …
“and whoever is granted wisdom is indeed given a great wealth”(Qur’an;2:269) “Thus clearly do We spell out Our signs un to people who think” (Qur’an;10:24) “a Scripture that We …
The Doctrine of ‘Promised land’ and the ‘Children of Israel’ needs an analysis in the light of historic round realities. Let us see who promised this land, and to whom? According to …