Tag: Zionism
It has been the same way for decades. Every time violence between the Israelis and Palestinians erupts, governments around the world urge de-escalation, a cease-fire agreement is reached, …
کچھ عرصہ پہلے امریکی وزارتِ دفاع کے حوالے سے پاکستان کا ایک مختصر اوربدلہ ہوا نقشہ منظر عام پرآیا ۔اس پر وطن دوست حلقوں میں تشویش پیدا ہونا ایک …
While turmoil and anarchy in the Middle East can be attributed the disunity among Arabs, the possibility of execution of well known Zionist plans supported by USA and West, …
یہود نے الله کی کتاب تورات کو پس پشت ڈال دیا اور دوسری کتب ، تلمود پر زور دیا ، اس طرح وہ صحیح راستہ سے دور ہو گیے- …
تاریخ اسلام گواہ ہے کہ یہودیوں کو اگر دنیا میں کہیں پناہ ملی تو وہ اسلام کی آغوش میں ملی اور تاریخ اس پہ بھی گواہ ہے کہ یہودیوں …
eBook: https://t.co/MYt8oIbX The Zionist movement has maintained a striking continuity in its aims and methods over the past century. From the start, the movement sought to achieve a Jewish majority …
The Saudi effort to take control of Islam’s holy places in Jerusalem serves, among other things, to support President Donald Trump’s plan for a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict …
Monstrous. Frightful. Wicked. It’s strange how the words just run out in the Middle East today. Sixty Palestinians dead. In one day. Two-thousand-four-hundred wounded, more than half by live fire. …
This Scholarly Library of Facts about Domestic & Worldwide Zionist Criminality The Jew Watch Project Is The Internet’s Largest Scholarly Collection of Articles on Zionist History Free Educational Library for Private …
Even in the most chaotic and violent moments of this new historical process, world opinion has not absolved Israel from its continued oppression of the Palestinians. Israel is seen …