Category: Christianity
Newton did not believe in the concept of the Trinity. An enlightened side to one of the greatest minds that western civilisation has known. His deep study of science …
A secret US program to control the weather and target selected areas through use of Electromagnetic Waves, could be one of reasons of recent unprecedented floods in Pakistan, why? …
This short video explores Islam from the viewpoint of a Christian. Common aspects between the two faiths are discussed: belief in the same One God; same prophets and similar …
Muslims are confused by divergent opinions of Scholars about observance Hijab, while all agree on women to be dressed up modestly, some opine that even face is to be …
Find out for yourself in this video >>>>>>>>
A very important topic about how to understand Religious innovations in Islam. Is everything we do in Islam a Innovation? Is making the Quran on CD a Innovation? Is driving …
Its easy, so simple ……….. Jesus Chrsit urged the people to use their intellect to discern the truth from falsehood: Luke 12:54-57 And he said also to the people, …
Interfaith or interfaith dialogue refer to cooperative and positive interaction between people of different religious traditions (ie. “faiths”) and spiritual or humanistic beliefs, at both the individual and institutional level with the aim …
After 911 it is trendy among some extremist to blame and criticize Islam, Qur’an the Holy Scripture and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for all the troubles on …