Category: Christianity
While turmoil and anarchy in the Middle East can be attributed the disunity among Arabs, the possibility of execution of well known Zionist plans supported by USA and West, …
Ahmadiyya (Qadyani) are nurtured by Christians but they do not appear to understand that the Qadianis (Ahmadiyya) beliefs are more anti Christian. The Ahmadiyya (Qadianis) cult is mixture of …
مشرکین کو جہاں بھی پاؤ قتل کر ڈالو … I often wonder if Islamophobes and Islamic extremists realize that they are just different sides of the same …
Are the knowledgeable and the ignorant equal? In fact, none will take heed except the people of understanding.”(Qur’an;39:9) “The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, but …
کچھ عرصہ سے کیتھولک مذہب کا چرچ مسلمانوں کے قریب آ رہا ہے۔ پچھلے پوپ بھی مسلمانوں کے بارے میں خیر سگالی کے جذبات ظاہر کرتے رہے ہیں۔ ماضی …
It may be difficult to reach the topic of your interest among hundreds of pages and posts. Here is the list of “Special-Picks” to facilitate the visitor. However …
eBook: The Zionist movement has maintained a striking continuity in its aims and methods over the past century. From the start, the movement sought to achieve a Jewish majority …
It is difficult to compare Christianity to any other religion, because there is such a wide range of beliefs and practices among various wings of Christianity: Roman Catholicism, Eastern …
The suggestion that Jesus is not, according to the Bible, “very God of very God” is likely to prove startling to those accustomed to the widely held views of …
Islamophobia – Antidote COMPARE CHRISTIANITY TO ISLAM Fallacious Comparison Unveiled Introduction: Christianity, Judaism and Islam are great Abrahamic religions, While there are many differences, there are also many commonalities, …