Category: Christianity
Some people ask questions such as: 1). “Why hasn’t God guided everyone to the path of paradise? And why does he give us sexual desires, and then punish us …
Refutation of Prophet Jesus Christ (PBUH)& Evolution of Christianity: Finally God sent Prophet Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), the last messenger of God for the Israelites. Prophet Jesus …
Man has always been inquisitive about the origin and creation of universe to which earth is just a small part. The whole cosmic system of matter and energy is …
Inconsistencies, Violence and Obscenities in Bible: Despite all the revisions, the Bible is still full of contradictions, violence, obscenities and interpolations; many volumes are required to explain them; only …
The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) is the scripture of Judaism; the Bible (Old and New Testaments together) is the scripture of Christianity. Word ‘Bible’, is derived from Greek biblos …
Jesus Christ, the last in the series of messengers for the children of Israel was miraculously born without father to the Virgin Mary in 5 B.C.E. The mission of …
Prophet Adam (peace be upon him): Adam and Eve, in the Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions, is the original human couple, parents of the human race. Prophet Adam (peace be …
In Hebrew Zechariah; means ‘Jehovah (God) is renowned or remembered’. In Bible this has been mentioned as the name of twenty-nine Israelites, which include king, prophets, priests and others. …
CHAPTER-3: PROPHET ABRAHAM (PBUH) AND DECEDENTS Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim, peace be upon him) is estimated to have lived in early 2nd Millennia B.C (around 1800 BC) at Ur (Mesopotamia) …
Scholars of Islam Have the Answers Comparing Codes of Belief Between Islam and Christianity Islam Christianity Allah (God Almighty) is the only Creator of all that exits. God Almighty …