Category: Christianity
Recent years have witnessed a surge of interest in political Islam and jihadist violence. An array of commentators have sought to link contemporary groups such as al-Qaeda and the …
Textual criticism of Bible is the field of study that attempts to discover what the original version of the Bible. This is especially important for Christians who believe that …
Islamophobia – Antidote-1 CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM Fallacious Comparison Unveiled-1 Trinity and Monotheism Christianity, Judaism and Islam are great Abrahamic religions, While there are many differences, there are also many …
Europe owes it awakening form the dark ages to the Renaissance and Enlightenment by the transfer of knowledge including lost Greek heritage through the Muslim scholars and centers of …
امریکہ اسرائیل کی مکمل حمایت کرتا ہے اس نے امریکی سفارتخانہ کو یروشلم منتقل کیا جو آزاد فلسطین کا دارالحکومت ہو گا ، تو دنیا حیران ہے کہ امریکہ …
Quran compliments birth of Jesus Christ with greetings of Peace (Salaam) .. ((Quran, Mary;19:33) Jesus Christ, the son of Mary was miraculously born to pious and chaste virgin Marry …
Who Really Follows Jesus? Take the Test & see Christians Claim – Jesus is “Son of God” Muslims Say – Jesus is a “Prophet of God” But the Real …
Even in the most chaotic and violent moments of this new historical process, world opinion has not absolved Israel from its continued oppression of the Palestinians. Israel is seen …
Bible verses related to War and violence.. کیا ‘ بائبل” امن کی تعلیم دیتی ہے یا جنگ اور قتل و غارت کی؟ بائبل میں آیات جنگ اور امن ہیں – موسیٰ …
“The question is, are we seriously to believe that an all-powerful supernatural being has chosen and elevated one group of humans to a position of supremacy above all others, …