Tag: Bible
˹Quran˺ is ˹true˺ guidance. And those who deny their Lord’s revelations will suffer the ˹worst˺ torment of agonizing pain” (Quran;45:11) Riba is an Arabic word that means “to increase” …
Quran, 19 Bible, and Dead Sea Scrolls The author, Brigadier Aftab Ahmad Khan (r) is a 19 veteran passed out on 19 August, joined & commanded unit #19, after 19 …
یہود نے الله کی کتاب تورات کو پس پشت ڈال دیا اور دوسری کتب ، تلمود پر زور دیا ، اس طرح وہ صحیح راستہ سے دور ہو گیے- …
Islamophobia – Antidote COMPARE CHRISTIANITY TO ISLAM Fallacious Comparison Unveiled Introduction: Christianity, Judaism and Islam are great Abrahamic religions, While there are many differences, there are also many commonalities, …
Textual criticism of Bible is the field of study that attempts to discover what the original version of the Bible. This is especially important for Christians who believe that …
Islamophobia – Antidote-1 CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM Fallacious Comparison Unveiled-1 Trinity and Monotheism Christianity, Judaism and Islam are great Abrahamic religions, While there are many differences, there are also many …
It is a common belief among American fundamentalist Christians, that the covenant by which God gave the land of Palestine to the Jews was an unconditional covenant. If true, …
The religion has been reduced to more of a cultural identity than a way of life. Somewhere between the surround-screen animation of the New Testament and the backlit glass …
خالق کائنات کون؟ ہم کون ہیں؟ ہم کیوں اس دنیا میں موجود ہیں ؟ اس کائنات کو کسی نے تخلیق کیا یا اتفاقا خود بخود معرض وجود میں آگئی؟ …